目前分類:藝術浮生 (31)

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內在力量愈强大的, 越在乎外表. (書法:人指我形賤汚趣,風來竹面是非情.)

Stronger in the mind, the more one does care the superficial appearance. (pic: calligraphy)


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心靈越脆弱,就愈建築強固的外在堡壘. (: 彩墨絹畫)

The mind is weaker; the external castle is more building for powerful appearances.(pic: ink and color on silk)

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書法: "尋花擁泥說風魂, 歸去彈指一齣戲.” 能量導起劇, 誰不演著戲?Expressing the soul of the wind in a path to find flowers and hold dust, I played in drama on the way till the end of life.”


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"看開點"容易, "看開點"不容易. 因為我們的教育只注重左腦訓練, 不注重右腦訓練. (:水墨人物)

To say “let it be” is easy, but not to do it. What causes that is we pay only left brain training, rather than right brain training in our education.  (pic: ink on rice paper)


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子女常抱怨父母不了解自己. 但子女有試著去了解父母嗎?(裝置)

Children always complain that parents do not understand them, but do children try to understand parents?


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如果不想探索領會自己的心與身, 如何理解別人? (:水墨人物)

If one does not want to explore and understand self, how can realize others? (pic: ink on rice paper)


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現代人的生活, 圖像是破碎的, 不安定的. 所以, 憂鬱症會成為21世紀第一殺手. ( :水墨人物畫)

The images of modern living is shattering, being unstable. That’s why depression has become the first killer in 21th century.  (pic: ink on rice paper)

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貪婪與不義是一劍两刃, 一面刃傷自己, 一面刃傷了別人. (:水墨綜合)

Greediness and injustice are the blade of both side of a sword, one hurts self, and another hurts others. (pic: mixed media with ink on silk )


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好興致時, 泥濘也可當玩伴. 就想辦法讓生活有興趣吧! ( : 彩墨絹畫)

Even the dirt is good play companion when get a mood to enjoy happens. Think how to make a mood to enjoy all the time.(pic: ink and color on silk)

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世上最不幸的事是: 擁有巨大才能的人, 有著很不健全的人格. (:水墨裝置)

The most misfortune in the world is that we have an immense talent guy with very unhealthy character. (pic: installation with ink on silk )

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我把書法當圖畫, 自作詞句自書寫. 朋友問是什麼書體, 我說是 牽纏書.”

宇宙生命牽扯流轉, 我運用身體的延伸, 呈現與此相應的現象.

點線牽扯纏綿折叠錯置, 筆觸組合詞意與形意的空間氣韻, 是心情的舒發, 也是體悟的見解.

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生活中有某種碰觸不到的制式力量, 左右著生活方式. (: 裝置)Being invisible, some rigid powers control the form of daily life. (pic: installation)

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放鬆要鬆淨鬆沉, 而非鬆懈. 真鬆, 心身敏感. (:裝置)

Relaxation is relaxing, clean and sinking, rather than slack. Real relaxation causes the mind and body sensitive. (pic: installation)


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人指我形賤污趣, 風來竹面是非情.

Care not being belittle with which others describe, since what they come from are natural.

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外逐易挫失, 內省易自得‧(:水墨人物)

Running after the things externally is subject to frustrating. Refection is subject to self-satisfying. (pic: ink on rice paper)


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如果把人體的主題描述拿掉,西洋美術史的內容就所剩無幾了. 古希臘和近代歐洲的人體美術,都注重體現肉體質量的確定感, 但不能發展 飄逸瀟灑的品質. 唐朝人物畫曾佔中國美術史一大席, 但注重衣紋線條之奧祕,呈現衣物飄逸之不固定感, 對肉體的描述完全忽略.

在太極功夫的修鍊中, 我領會柔中帶剛, 剛中帶柔的風光. 作畫時也自然把此領會展現. 所以就以幾筆線條做出骨肉質量, 並容灑逸風姿. 在寫意寫實相融,剛柔並濟的質量間,還要蘊涵氣韻精氣神.

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隨逸放去, 管他春風秋雨急. (:書法)Let it be with ease, no care a hurry of spring wind and fall rain. (pic: calligraphy)

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沒有失戀過的人, 無法體會愛情的珍貴‧空氣污染, 才知清淨空氣的可貴. (:水墨人物)

There is no way to realize that love is so precious if never had failure of love. Know the clean air is so precious when the air is polluted. (pic: ink on rice paper)


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煩惱斷了, 世非無難. 災多如常, 冷眼熱腸. 入濁排汚, 方真透朗. ( :水墨人體)

The crisis is still there even one’s worry disappears. Enthusiasm with cool eyes is for usual disaster.  It is real enlightenment to clean pollution of the mind in dirty society. (pic: Ink on rice paper)

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俗人臣服威勢, 高人臣服真理‧淺人以異常為高, 高人以平常為安.The ordinary people yield obedience to power and influence, the high people yield obedience to the truth. 


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